Solo Female Backpacker Safety Tips.

Solo female backpacker traveler safety

Solo female travel safety is a huge concern for women travellers. Travelling the world as an independent, solo female traveller is often seen as dangerous, daunting or too risky, often putting women off travel altogether, but it doesn’t have to be. These expert tips will help you put potential risk in perspective, reduce any actual risk and stay safe on the road.

Travelling the world independently, especially solo, is one of the single best things any woman can ever do for themselves. Exploring  the endless wonders the world has to offer you is a reward in and of itself, allowing you to see, do and experience things most people will only ever dream of, but it goes far, far deeper than that. The experience of backpacking around the world independently will absolutely change you for the better. It will make you stronger, more worldly, more self confident. In short it will make you a better person and will empower you like nothing else in the world will.

Solo female travel is in general very safe. World travel is in general very safe. These are two very simple facts. That isn’t to say of course that there isn’t risk out there, of course there is, but it is important to remember that travelling in and of itself is not inherently dangerous, and being a woman does not make the act of travelling any more dangerous either.

Now of course there are risks out there in the world just as there are at home, and there are many ways which you can use reasonable common sense precautions to reduce that risk to manageable levels just as you would at home. If you can go about your life safely at home, you can travel safely too.

Women can and do travel the world very safely, and fear should never be a barrier to women travelling.

Heightened Levels Of Fear.

Women are on average significantly more likely to fear crime than they are to become victims of it. That is the statistical reality borne out by the Crime Survey of England and Wales with repeatable and statistically similar results every single year for at least the last 20 years or more. In direct comparison men are far more likely to become the victims of violent crime in general and a far more likely to be killed as a result, but have almost no level of fear of it. That is why you never hear of men being afraid to go travelling the world and safety tips directed specifically at men are rare. It is this level of fear that often creates a distorted picture of just how dangerous it actually is for women to travel the world and frankly, the paradigm that it is only women who face risk or that risk is something specific to women needs to end. Your gender is not a specific at risk category.

The problem is that this fear has direct real world consequences. Half of the population who are dreaming of setting off on their very own round the world adventure are allowing fear, doubt and insecurity stop them from doing just that.

Women all over the world are denying themselves the opportunity to travel the world because they listen to the half truths, scaremongering and paranoid nonsense that is perpetuated by the mass media, society in general and even other women! Honestly the biggest perpetuators of the myth that it is too dangerous for women to travel, is other women!

I mean what happened to that feisty independence? That empowered gender identity? Of course women shouldn’t be travelling the world alone! They can’t even leave the house in safety at home! It is obvious that women are far too weak and defenceless to face what the world throws at them. We all know that it is far too dangerous for a woman to dare to backpack around the world on her own! Right?

Of course not.

If you listen to all the uninformed doomsayers and the mass media, you could be forgiven for believing that the world is full of muggers, rapists, thieves, terrorists, pirates and murderers just waiting for all you naive, vulnerable, defenceless women to step out into the big scary world.

You could also be forgiven for thinking that women are more at risk just by the mere fact of their gender. They aren’t. Given the fear mongering and misinformation out there, it’s a surprise anyone goes anywhere.

Of course there are dangers out there, of course women experience the world differently to men, of course women have practical concerns and of course they should take reasonable safety precautions when travelling, those are simple tenets that should be a given, but here’s the big secret …

It is just as safe for women to travel the world as any man.

Solo female backpacker travel, solo travel, solo gap year

The Reality Of Risk.

Despite what the mass media and your fretting mothers might tell you, thousands of women travel around the world every single day and come back home safe and sound. Bad things do sometimes happen yes, but no more so than they do at home and certainly in very small numbers compared to the incidents of women travelling safely and soundly without any problems. Travelling the world is statistically very safe, and the probability of anything bad happening to you is pretty low.

According to the Office For National Statistics and The Foreign Commonwealth Office for example, the evidence shows that out of the tens millions of outbound travellers, only tens of thousands needed consular assistance for anything ranging from being a victim of a crime to losing their passport. These statistics show that those travellers who were the victims of crime were in the absolute statistical minority, and mirroring the country specific trends in the Crime Survey Of England And Wales, that men were more likely to be the victims of most types of violent crime from assault to mugging, violent assault or murder, and women led the statistics in rape and sexual assault but numbers were a statistical improbability. They happen, yes, but not at the levels the scaremongering media would have you believe.

To be more specific in the data and use those same statistics for a specific crime that most women in particular tend to quote as their main fear when talking about becoming a victim, in the 2018 to 2019 period there were 71.7 million UK outbound travellers, and 116 rapes and 154 cases of sexual assaults that travellers needed police, medical or consular assistance for. These numbers are relatively consistent year on year, decade on decade.

So out of tens of millions, the actual cases where women were victims of a violent crime were in the hundreds. Hundreds. Out of tens of millions. Two hundred and seventy. Out of seventy one point seven million! Those are pretty good odds!

Those are pretty low crime rates by any international standards. This isn’t to say that each and every one of these cases isn’t horrific for the individuals involved, they are terrible crimes and I have every sympathy for those survivors, but it does show travel is on average overwhelmingly very safe.

Bad things can happen to good people anywhere, anytime.

These statistics also don’t say that bad things don’t happen, of course they do, nor do they say that some level of concern isn’t justified, because it is, but not to the levels of fearmongering that are often reached by women and in the media.

Precaution is good. Fear is not.

Risk of course does exist, it just needs to be put into a little bit of perspective.

Dealing With Different Cultures.

It is important to acknowledge the fact that men and women will of course experience the world very differently, they are of course very different biologically, pyschologically and emotionally and the way we process and interpret the world is very different. That much is a factual given and not in doubt. That is why I am not talking about the experience of travelling as a woman, because it is just as important to stress that this difference is not in and of itself a danger or a risk factor.

Men and women are viewed and treated differently in many parts of the world, but does this automatically mean it is more dangerous for women? No.

There are many countries around the world with differing cultural, religious and societal paradigms, and there are many societies where men and women are treated or viewed differently than they are in the average western society. This for many women is one of the factors that does play into a heightened sense of fear in women travellers, but it is essential to remember that difference does not automatically make it more dangerous to travel to those places.

There are places that will challenge female travellers on many levels, there are countries that have different paradigms on gender than you have, you may encounter situations that challenge your own political or social belief systems or even make you feel uncomfortable. That does not necessarily make them dangerous. It is really important to make that distinction, because although feeling uncomfortable or challenged is completely understandable, far too often those feelings are conflated to feeling at risk or in danger. That is not the case. In fact being challenged and exploring different cultural viewpoints is one of the reasons to and the best parts of travel!

Dealing With Harassment.

Harassment is perhaps one of the biggest contributors to the heightened levels of fear in women travellers and in many ways does have a detrimental effect on the travel experience for many women. That doesn’t however mean that women are at more risk, or that women face an unparalleled level of danger when they travel.

Harassment is a fact and it does happen. It is horrible, inexcusable and no one should ever have to go through it. It is completely understandable why many women would feel uncomfortable at the prospect  – or experience – of being harrassed and is one factor that explains the generally higher levels of fear in women despite the much lower risk of actually becoming a victim of a specific crime or being in actual danger, but it can also not justify the common assertion that women are at more risk when they travel.

It happens to men and women on average equally, but often – at least outwardly – in very different ways, women are less likely than men to be randomly verbally abused with the threat of physical violence for example, but are more likely to encounter a range of sexual orientated harassment. That isn’t to say each gender doesn’t experience the full spectrum too because they do, but some generalisation is necessary.

It also does not happen on the level that is often portrayed either in the media or by others. Harrassment happens yes,no doubt, but if it happened on the scale that is often portrayed no woman would ever be able to go out in public because it would be constant, every minute of every single day. There has to be some level of moderation there because the day to day experience of the majority cannot reflect that.

Yes you may come across a situation where you are harrassed when you travel, but a lot of harrassment, whilst unpleasant, is not necessarily a risk factor or a danger.

The big problem when talking about harassment is that the definition is so far ranging and so open that it includes everything from actually defined crimes such as sexual harassment and interactions that are actually considered a risk factor or a danger to everyday occurrences that are at best an annoyance and even incidents that are misconstrued by ideological dogma that views everything and anything as a full on assault.

There are scales of harassment and they really do have to be viewed as such. Men staring in India for example is often cited by women travellers as something that makes them feel uncomfortable, but this is largely a cultural phenomenon and Indian men often stare at everything, all the time, in large groups, including the big 6″2 guy lumbering around looking a little lost. Uncomfortable? Maybe. A danger? No. This perspective is really important.

Many women also have stories of unwanted advances, and yes that in some circumstances is actual harrassment, but to paint every single incidence as such is intellectually and ideologically dishonest. Depending on the circumstance this isn’t always harassment. There is a difference between someone saying hello and an interaction that results in threats, stalking or other actions which are specifically and rightly defined as a crime and should be treated as such, in both preparation for and punishment of.

For those times where you will encounter harassment that goes above being able to ignore and move on, there are some things you can do:

  • Move toward potential assistance in a public space and ask for assistance without escalating the situation. Seek out an officer of the law or other official if possible, hotel or hostel staff, a family sitting at a restaurant or a bartender even, anyone.
  • If you are travelling or on any type of transport then move away as soon as possible, swap places with someone if you can and ask a conductor, driver or crew for assistance.
  • Report it officially at the soonest possible opportunity when there is a chance of getting evidence.

Harassment does happen, and unfortunately it is very likely that it will happen to you when travelling just as much as it is likely at home. But it is important to remember that is no reason not to travel, nor is it a reason to be afraid of travel.

Some harassment is absolutely a risk factor and should be treated as such with the safety tips and advice detailed below, but some harassment should not be conflated to that level either and should be treated as just a random encounter with an arsehole. Everyone, regardless of gender or where they are or what they are doing, will come across people like that from time to time, but the absolute majority of people you meet on the road will be awesome.

How Female Travellers Can Reduce Risk And Stay Safe When Travelling.

Now that the actual risk has been put into some perspective, let’s look at the things you can do to minimise the actual risk that is out there, reduce any potential danger to manageable levels and travel the world safely.

The trick to keeping yourself safe simply lies in …

Understanding the risks and dangers,

and ..

Reducing the risk as much as possible.

That’s it. There is no grand reveal of a big secret here, it really is that simple. There are risks out there, but it is important to remember that they are first of all statistically low and second of all easily managed.

You have to know exactly how to understand the dangers and minimize the risk of course, but that is what this article can help you with. There are many ways in which you can do this. Research is one of the biggest weapons in your arsenal, being aware of the dangers and how to avoid them, or knowing how to deal with them if things do go wrong is one of the best things you can do to prepare. To read how to do this in much greater detail, read here.

Apart from that there are a number of tips and tricks any woman can use when out on the road to reduce the risk of anything negative happening to them and to keep themselves safe.

Be Confident.

The absolute majority of the time crimes that happen against you on the road are opportunistic and are by nature commited by those who prey on the weak. Confidence is just a natural weapon against people who may potentially want to do you harm or take advantage of you. Acting like you know where you are, what you are doing and showing that you are confident, even if you may not feel like it inside, sets off a huge subconscious alert of ‘don’t mess with me’. Again this applies equally to both genders, but is something that women in particular tend not to do.

I get that this doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people, that is completely understandable, but the phrase fake it until you make it is really relevant here. Solo travel will eventually instil a natural confidence in you but until then create your own confidence! Watch your body language, walk tall but relaxed, raise your head and make eye contact. Shift your focus to the positive in the situation (like the fact that you are kicking arse outside of your comfort zone rather than the fact you feel nervous outside of it). Look confident and feel confident and chances are you will exude confidence. No one but you needs to know you are really nervous.

Predators – and this goes for some low level harassment as much as physical crimes – are in general looking for victims who look and appear weak, it is instinctive, so be the opposite! People who behave and look like targets are generally the ones who become victims, so don’t let this happen to you. Just be confident!

Use Your Common Sense.

Yes, it really is that simple sometimes and this really isn’t meant to be condescending. Travelling alone can be very safe indeed if you just use your basic common sense. You do it all the time at home, probably without even realising it, so there is no reason why you wouldn’t do it while travelling either. This is the kind of thing that most ‘solo female safety tips’ and articles consist of, don’t walk down that dark alley in the middle of the night on your own, don’t accept that lift from the three friendly guys you met in the middle of nowhere, don’t broadcast where you are staying or what dorm or room you are in and don’t drink so much that you have no control over what you do. It is all about using that basic common sense we all have to avoid putting yourself in a situation that could potentially be risky further down the line. This is all about using simple common sense precautions to completely avoid risky situations from even developing.

I know it can be easy to lower your guard when you are travelling and having fun, and no one will ever tell you not to enjoy yourself (it is your gap year or backpacking trip after all) but simply use your instinct and common sense as a baseline and you will generally be fine. This really isn’t rocket science, and this really is all it can take to keep you safe most of the time.

Stay Alert And Develop Situational Awareness.

Again this is something that applies to both genders, but is so important that it is worth mentioning again here. Just be alert and aware of your surroundings, your belongings and the people around you at all times. Don’t take your eye of your pack or any of your belongings, even if you do think it is absolutely safe. Be aware of the people approaching you and be mindful of the common scams or diversion tactics of pickpockets or thieves. When a stranger approaches you and starts chatting, odds are they may simply be curious about you and where you are from (in many parts of the world it is still highly unusual to see a woman travelling alone, or anyone trvelling at all for that matter, and the vast majority of time it may just be someone wanting to chat and learn about you), but there is also a smaller chance that they may also be a tout leading up to one of the many scams they use to separate you from your cash or someone wanting to do you harm. Be friendly, but be aware too.

Of course it is important to remember that you shouldn’t take this to the extremes of being overly paranoid and thinking everyone is out to get you, where even the most innocent of hello’s from a friendly traveller invokes screams of hysteria and cries of ‘rapist, mugger, murderer!’ Before you empty a can of pepper spray in the guys face and throw your pack at him for good measure before running off in hysterics, just reign the overreaction in a bit. The poor guy just said hello for crying out loud! But a healthy dose of awareness and friendly mistrust, providing you don’t let it get to that paranoid level, can be a good thing.

Lower Your Profile.

Lowering your profile is a major part of keeping yourself safe. It is just as true for men too, as are the majority of these tips in fact, but applied specifically to women this basically can be translated into be selective in what you wear and when, dressing according to local custom and being respectful to local culture and norms in your behaviour. Melt into the crowd, don’t stand out and you won’t make yourself a target.

Now behaviour is such a wide ranging subject it is impossible to cover in a single post, but what it boils down to is not drawing attention to yourself in any negative way. Don’t be loud and boistrous, don’t be that annoyingly demanding tourist, don’t talk about culturally or politically sensitive topics, don’t advertise the fact that you have just arrived in country, don’t know where you are and have a ton of cash and expensive jewellry on you. Again a lot of this is common sense, but basically you want to blend in, not stand out.

One of the easiest ways you can do this is your clothing. Wearing a bikini top and shorts may be appropriate in Malibu for example where a lot of women will be wearing the same, but it just isn’t appropriate walking around Haft-e Tir Square in Tehran or the middle of Cairo in Egypt. Drawing unwanted attention to themselves by wearing inappropriate clothing and not conforming to cultural norms can lead to problems in many different ways.

Simple, loose, comfortable clothing such as cargo pants or shorts or a long skirt or dress, plus a T shirt or top that covers the shoulders and is not too revealing is more than adequate in most situations, with the added precaution of a shawl or sarong so you can cover up your head and hair, lower legs or any still exposed skin if you visit a mosque or if the situation requires it. Now please don’t assume this means you have to cover up completely, it doesn’t at all, what it means is don’t wear clothing that will draw attention to you and be respectful, especially if the country you are in is particularly conservative.

Visiting any religious building or site in many countries is slightly different as there will be specific religious requirements for both men and women and they will sometimes require you to dress in a certain way, whether that is removing shoes, wearing a specific sarong, covering up exposed skin that is acceptable outside such as shoulders, or covering your hair or any number of other traditional norms. This is an issue for men too, although often to a much lesser extent, and is often an issue of respect for religion and customs as it is about gender. It is my experience that people are generally very welcoming and will excuse the odd faux pax such as forgetting to take your shoes off in places of worship (someone will usually politely let you know if you have forgotten), providing that an effort is being made to respect local culture.

Wear A Wedding Ring.

Seriously I know this sounds strange but even if you are not married wear a cheap band on your wedding finger. I know this is controversial and I agree completely on it’s own it won’t do anything, but it can be a useful tool when used in context and it works as part of an overall strategy of blending in.

And before anyone starts this doesn’t have anything to do with feminism or the role of women in society, it has everything to do with using it as part of your disguise, a prop, just to blend in.

Theoretically if you are in a bar or a situation where guys may come up to you, flirt with you or give you any kind of attention you don’t want (or if you do want it of course the ring is easily removable), especially in cultures where machismo is prevalent and attention can be persistent, a simple flash of the wedding ring should make many guys making advances politely move on to someone else.

Of course it is important to remember that on it’s own wearing a wedding ring isn’t going to be a magic bullet to deflect any and all unwanted attention. If it only deflects half of potentially unwanted advances, that is a half you haven’t had to deal with. This is again all about lowering your profile and using it as a simple tool, a single thin layer of armour if you like, deflecting any unwanted or potentially unwanted attention away from yourself. Consider it a bit of camouflage, a deflection technique. In and of itself it won’t do much, but used in conjunction with other tools such as sensible dress to match a country’s culture or the correct body language to convey the message you want, then it can be one valuable tool in your box of tricks.

Don’t Draw Attention To Yourself.

Along the same lines as lowering your profile, not drawing attention to yourself will mean you are much less likely to be singled out as a target for trouble.

Unfortunately there are sometimes some things that you cannot change about your appearance and you will always stand out to some extent. If you are tall, white and blonde for example, you will always get attention in parts of Asia, South or Central America and the Middle East purely because you are different from the norm. Most of the time this goes no further than stares or long looks, especially in places like India where staring is a cultural norm, and whilst this can sometimes be a little disconcerting is generally nothing to worry about.

There are some things you can do however, and again, most of this goes back to basic common sense. Think about the things you have or the way you look that may draw the attention of potential thieves or people who may want to do you harm. Even if you normally look like a jewellery shop has exploded all over you at home, it isn’t exactly the smartest idea to wear all your bling on your travels. Just leave all the fancy rings and bracelets at home. Don’t be flashing huge wads of cash about or walk around carrying a massive £3000 DSLR camera around your neck while staring at the latest iPad and not paying attention to your laptop on the table. You may as well just be wearing a big neon sign that says ‘I’m a target!’

And again, just as when you are thinking about lowering your profile, not drawing attention to yourself can go far beyond appearance and can also mean moderating your behaviour. This overlap exists because it is such an easy and important tool in keeping you safe. This doesn’t even mean you have to conform to local standards or expectations of women, just be polite and respectful. For example, don’t drink too much and get loud, obnoxious and abusive, especially if you are in a traditionally conservative, polite country, you’ll just attract a lot of attention you don’t want.

If you keep in mind that most crimes (of course there are exceptions to this rule) are both opportunistic and predatory, not drawing the attention of any thief, mugger or worse in the first place is the first and best line of defence.

Learn Some Emergency Phrases.

Learning a little bit of the local language is always an important part of blending in, and even learning the very basics such as ‘hello’, ‘thankyou’ or ‘how much is this?’ will have a profound impact on your experience in a country. On a practical level learning phrases such as ‘no thank you’ or ‘leave me alone’ will be enough to make touts think you are an expat not a tourist and will often stop them bothering you as much.

Learning very specific emergency phrases however significantly reduces your risk levels and raises your chances of getting out of a bad spot if something does go wrong. Wherever you go make sure you know how to say ‘help’ or ‘call the police’ or something simialar, anything that will allow you to tell a local there is an emergency and that you need help. Even if you can’t communicate exactly why there and then, that initial phrase should be enough to illicite help and put that first barrier of safety between you and any potential danger.

Be Sensitive To Local Culture And Tradition.

Understanding the place you are in and the culture you are visiting is essential when backpacking so you can be sensitive to local customs and manners. For women it does take on a slightly added dimension as there are many places, particularly but not limited to the Middle East, where social norms and conventions demand certain considerations from women, and for backpackers it is wise to know what they are and make concessions to them.

Many Muslim countries for example, especially those where Sharia law operates more stringently, are very conservative and regimented when it comes to women and this can manifest itself for backpackers in terms of what you choose to wear and how you behave. There will never be an expectation for you to cover up completely the way some Muslim women do, especially if you are not a Muslim, you are a guest there after all, but if you show respect to your host country by making some concessions to modesty then you will lower your profile and divert attention away from yourself as well as being able to delve deeper into the heart and culture of the places you are visiting. If you wear wildly inappropriate clothing, such as the oblivious women who walk off the cruise ships in Egypt wearing hot pants and bikini tops in a predominantly Muslim country, then you will draw unwanted attention to yourself. In countries such as the UAE for example it is considered completely appropriate to wear whatever you like in tourist resorts or private beaches, but not outside of those areas. The further away from touristy areas you get, the more attention inappropriate dress will draw to you.

Also be aware of cultural differences when travelling. Catching a guy’s eye and giving a friendly smile back home may be considered completely innocent and friendly, but can often be interpreted as a sexual advance in the Middle East for example. If you are unsure it can often be a good idea to look around and follow the social cues of the local women.

This isn’t to say that you should completely deny yourself the opportunities to meet or interact with locals. If you do that out of fear or an over exaggerated sense of personal safety then you would be doing yourself a huge disservice and will deny yourself one of the best things about backpacking. So again, be reasonably cautious, but not paranoid.

Remember That You Can Pre Book From Time To Time.

The accepted independent traveller norm is to just turn up, find a place to stay that suits your taste and budget, and barter for a room. This is absolutely the best way to travel the majority of the time, it is cheaper, easier and more flexible. You will find much nicer places to stay, and it is completely safe for anyone – man or woman – to do.

There are occasional exceptions to this rule though.

When you are just arriving in a new country for example, it can be a good idea to pre book a nice private room for a few nights as you rest, acclimatize and get used to your new surroundings. The same is true for those times when you are travelling when there is a religious festival or event and you know everywhere will be booked up, or you simply can’t avoid arriving in a new town or city really late at night. The last thing you want to be doing is wondering about a strange new place in the dark when most businesses are shut and not many people are about. Just do some research online before you leave your previous destination, find a place to stay and book one night somewhere. It doesn’t even have to be fancy. You can easily find somewhere else a day or two later if you like. The most important thing is that you have somewhere to go as soon as you arrive.  As well as the obvious safety applications this also gives you a lot of peace of mind, and that can be just as important as self confidence.

Always Let Someone Know Of Your Plans.

This seems a little antithetical to the idea of independent solo travel, but always make sure someone knows your plans and where you will be going. This doesn’t have to be an hour by hour itinerary account of course and you can still enjoy the spontenaity of independent travel, but just keep family or friends at home updated with your rough location, especially if you decide on a whim to change your plans and catch that ferry over to an island you had never planned on going to, or if you are going on a specific trek for the day or out on a specific experience, you can always let the staff at the hostel or front desk of the hotel know and what time you expect to be back. Remember, US Citizens can use the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to enroll your trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

Take Advantage Of Gendered Transport Options.

In many countries across the world you will find that there are public transport options that are for women only. Generally these take the form of female only carriages or seat sections just for women on selected trains and buses, but these can be found right across Japan, Malaysia, India, Egypt, Brazil, Mexico and parts of Indonesia and the Philippines amongst many others. They are not universal however, some parts of each country may have them and some may not, and there are a whole range of social, legal, moral and ethical debates about their usefulness and existence in the first place that I will not get into here. But they are technically designed to stop harassment and make women feel safe on public transport, so where they are available – if you feel the need to use them and you have the option to do so – then it is not going to do you any harm. 

I really hope these simple tips and encouragement have eased your fears a little and given you the confidence to go backpacking around the world on your own terms, because it really is safe to do so! With reasonable common sense precautions you will reduce a lot of the already low amount of risk to your personal safety and security and have an amazing time. Backpacking the world will be one of the best times of your life, and you should not let simple fear of what may or may not happen stop you from discovering not only what is out there, but who you are as a person too.

So Go, Grabe Your Backpack And Get That Ticket! Explore. Dream. Discover!

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Buy The Books.

Gap Year Safety.

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Solo Female Backpacker Guide To Safely Travelling The World.

Travelling the world independently as a solo female backpacker is one of the most amazing, rewarding and empowering things you can do for yourself, but as a woman there are practical and safety concerns that you have to deal with.

Solo Female Backpacker deals with all these issues and more specifically from a woman’s perspective. With essential safety tips and advice from ex military personnel and self defence experts as well as inspirational stories from women who have travelled independently around the world, there is no reason why you can’t or shouldn’t set off on your own independent round the world trip.

So if you are dreaming of setting off on your very own gap year but you are a little nervous about travelling solo or as a woman, you need to buy this eBook! Full of practical advice for you to ensure your backpacking trip is as safe as possible, Solo Female Backpacker will also give you the inspiration and the push you need to travel the world on your own terms.

The Solo Female Backpacker guide to safely travelling the world eBook is available as an instant download to your Kindle device.

One To One Safety Advice.

Bemused Backpacker Gap Year Safety Consultation

If after reading this article you need more detailed information or if you want one to one safety advice from an experienced expert, then please feel free to use the Bemused Backpacker Gap Year Safety Consultation service.

You will get an hours consultation with dedicated one to one tuition designed to ease your worries, arm you with the knowledge you need to keep you safe and prepare you as much as possible before your trip so you can simply get on with enjoying your round the world adventure of a lifetime.

Covering everything from what you need to know before you go, how to stay safe on the road, how to deal with and avoid danger or difficult situations and what to do if something does go wrong, this consultation service is an absolute must for anyone about to embark on their first gap year or round the world adventure!

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Michael Huxley is a published author, professional adventurer and founder of the travel website, Bemused Backpacker. He has spent the last twenty years travelling to over 100 countries on almost every continent, slowly building Bemused Backpacker into a successful business after leaving a former career in emergency nursing and travel medicine, and continues to travel the world on numerous adventures every year.

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153 comments on “Solo Female Backpacker Safety Tips.
  1. Jade says:

    Amazing tips,thank you. I’m a little worried about my upcoming gap year (and my parents aren’t helping) but reading this as been so useful.

  2. Geeta JS says:

    Thank you for this tips, dear. I am definitely printing these out and giving to my hostel roommates who always crib about how they didn’t prepare much. I find these tips absolutely essential and nicely compiled and I’m over 45. Heheh!

  3. Veera says:

    Love the advice here, its all about reducing any risk step bh step. Couldnt agree more.

  4. Hannah says:

    Excellent advice, thank you

  5. Natalie says:

    I’m not so sure about wearing a wedding ring. It implies I need a man to protect me. And I don’t.

    • It doesn’t imply that at all, like any form of camouflage it is there as one simple layer of protection against unwanted attention, just as choosing to dress lie a local expat instead of a just off the boat tourist. It is all about using your appearance as a layer of protection. My own wedding ring deters a lot of unwanted attention too, and I’m a man. Does that imply I need another mans protection? No.

    • Louise Bain says:

      I completely disagree and I never got that from the advice at all. I am young and single and yes I will go out on the pull when I travel if the mood takes me, but I will have no problem dressing a little more conservatively or putting on a cheap ring when I don’t feel like any extra attention. That is me taking control of my own safety, not implying that I need a man.

  6. Sarah Whitman says:

    Great tips, thank you. So much absolute common sense in this article.

  7. Morgan says:

    Thank you for sharing these great tips, I’m sure that there are so many female travellers who are worried about potential risks and your tips have helped more of them travel.

  8. Louise Bain says:

    Some amazing advice here, thank you. And I wanted to say I loved your book! It should be required reading for every backpacker!

  9. PnengByung Hoon says:

    I agree travel is safe. It is all about you and what you do.

  10. Marie says:

    This has been such a great help to me when planning my trip. I was so nervous about travelling and taking that leap to actually buy my plane tickets and I put it off so many times but your article really helped me get over that hurdle and I just wanted to say thank you so much. I am now in Thailand because of you and having an amazing time!

  11. Rachel says:

    I think I buck the norm a little bit because honestly traveling alone was never a scary thing for me and I didn’t see being a woman as a barrier to travelling anywhere. Sure there are times when I have felt uncomfortable or a bit nervous but I am sure most people (men and women) do at some point and I simply removed myself from those situations. I do take a lot of precautions for my own safety already but there a lot of tips in here that I never thought of and I will definitely incorporate, thank you!

  12. Hailey says:

    Amazing tips. Being aware of your surroundings is so important and it genuinely surprises me that so many women just aren’t. Be aware, know who and what is around you, I could not agree more.

  13. Mel says:

    If you aren’t a woman you have no idea about what it is like to travel as a woman!

  14. Naomi says:

    You are the absolute worst. Absolute scum. How can you even write this?

  15. Alice says:

    So you as a man have never had to deal with unwanted male attention? You’ve never been harrassed or had someone grab your ass? And you think you have the right to mansplain to us what it is like to travel as a woman?

    • All those guys over the years hurling insults and picking random fights with me in bars, I’d say that was pretty unwanted. And yes I’ve been grabbed a fair few times over the years by women, and not just on the arse, but that doesn’t count in the same way as if it was the other way around does it? Not that I would develop a victim complex over that either. But what gives you the right to femsplain what it is like to be a man? I smell hypocrisy!

  16. Carly says:

    So tell me what it’s like to travel as a woman then? Please do go on mansplaining.

  17. Caroline Fitzpatrick says:

    I can’t believe there are actually people complaining about your article! It honestly makes me a little embarrassed as a woman that some of us are just so quick to take offence! But let me tell you from a female perspective what I got out of this. Apart from the very excellent and practical tips of course, it is inspiration. Inspiration to not listen to the BS. A sense of REAL equality (unlike the fake offended kind) where you treat men and women on an actual equal footing without assuming the usual victim status of women. Your site and your content is amazing. Don’t listen to the extremists and keep doing what you are doing.

    • Oh I know what you mean, I wouldn’t worry there are permanently offended trolls all over the internet they don’t bother me in the slightest. I really appreciate the thought and support though Caroline, thank you.

  18. Denise Chapman says:

    My daughter has just announced she is going on her gap year next year after graduation and it’s honestly a little terrifying, she’s only ever been on family holidays with us before. This is such a great help for us as we are doing a lot of research at the moment (and are getting her both of your books for Christmas!) Do you have any other advice for us to make sure she is safe? Thank you so much in advance.


    • Hi Denise, thank you so much! The best advice I can give you is first of all don’t worry so much. A little bit of worry is natural but remember that the odds are overwhelming that your daughter will be safe when travelling,the small amount of risk that does naturally exist for anyone can be minimised so much by these tips ad those found in the book, and I am sure your daughter will have a sound head on her shoulders. Technology makes it so easy to stay in touch now so it is easy to get yourself arough copy of your daughters itin and stay in touch regularly through various video chat apps. You’ll probably end up being so jealous of her adventures you may end up wantig to go yourself! I’ll tell you what, since it is Christmas and since you are buying her my books fill in the travel safety consultation form if you are still nervous, I’ll make sure it is on the house!

  19. Claire says:

    Would you tell men to conform and blend in and behave according to local custom to? Or is it just women you think should ‘behave’.

  20. Carla says:

    There are some great tips here, a lot of sensible common sense advice. I do think it’s a shame anyone needs reminding of common sense nowadays but that’s where we are at I suppose.

    • I think it is a shame too Carla but I suppose everyone starts somewhere and if common sense is what it takes to make anyone get in that stay safe mindset, I’ll take it. And thank you.

  21. Hannah Vine says:

    Interesting points on the fear of becoming a victim, I do genuinely believe women are at more risk when travelling as we do have more to deal with but you can’t argue with the statistics that travel is generally safe. So taking your point why exactly do you think there is so much fear?

    • Wow, that is a whole other topic in and of itself Hannah! I wrote my first dissertation on the topic and I still can’t give a complete answer. There are a myriad of basic reasons though, from traditional societal gender roles, women being seen as weaker physically and therefore in greater need of protection (and this is something women push as much if not more than men), a related notion of victimhood, the selective viewing of data (ie hyper focusing one one specific violent crime alone as opposed to viewing all types of violent crime as a whole), the hyper inflation that one crime to be viewed as the only risk factor and the redefining of what that crime is and the risk factors involved to include almost anything (as you just did yourself). The staring issue in India is a prime example of this as I hear it used as a justification to dismiss India as a dangerous country for women all the time. Staring is a cultural thing there, it happens to men and women, it may be uncomfortable, it may feel a bit creepy to you, but is it an actual risk factor? Is it a specific danger? No, it isn’t.

      • Hannah Vine says:

        Wow, great answer thank you. I don’t think it is fair to suggest I was inflating the risk though but I do think there is a lot of merit to everything you have said. What was your dissertation and degree on if you don’t mind me asking? I thought you were a nurse?

      • Well thank you, I do think it is fair though (and I didn’t mean it as a slight) simply because of the casual use of the term ‘women just have more to deal with’ and its inference that means there is more danger, I mean just read this comment section! There are many specific issues for women around the world yes, just as there are for men. Women are treated differently in different cultures yes. There are many issues for women yes. But are these specific risk factors? Not necessarily. Is that phrase ignoring the many positive aspects to these cultural differences? Absolutely. Do these make it more dangerous for women to travel? No. The risk factors that are out there that put women at risk of specific crimes do that, and all the evidence shows that women are generally neither in more danger than men specifically nor are they unsafe in very general terms. This is the difference between a womans experience when travelling which I am not talking about (depsite many accusations to the contrary) and specific risk factors, dangers and expert ways to avoid, evade, deescalate or get out of specific danger. And no I don’t mind at all. I actually have a few degrees (with a masters and various post grad training). My first degree was in social science and criminology and my dissertation was on the difference between the percieved fear of crime between genders and the specific risk of it. My other degrees are health based. ;D

  22. Pradeep says:

    You are giving dangerous advice. Women and female tourists are in danger by being told they can travel and it is safe. In many places women don’t have freedom of speech how can they travel solo?

    • Really? What is dangerous about it exactly? The tips that are the product of martial arts, military and close protection training as well as 20 years of travel experience? Why are travellers in so much danger? Just because they are women? Yes there are many places around the world where women will face issues that they won’t face in the west but that doesn’t always automatically translate to danger. I would suggest it is your attitude that is far more dangerous than my advice Pradeep.

  23. Carla says:

    This is such an important post, thank you for this! I agree completely that it is down to us as women to manage our own safety and risk. It is how to do that what is needed. Post more like this please!

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